Laura wearing a hot-pink top by Colombian fashion designer Laura Laurens and jeans by Colombian fashion brand Sinestesia

Hi! I’m Laura Beltrán-Rubio, researcher, curator, and educator, specializing in the history of art and fashion.

I’ve been researching the arts for more than a decade. My mission is to expand the narratives of art and design to create a more diverse, equitable, and socially just world.

In general, I’m interested in how artistic expression becomes a means for us to construct and perform our identities. I also aim to uncover the endurance of Indigenous ways of knowing in different forms of artistic production, while dismantling the legacy of colonialism in contemporary fashion and the textile arts.


My mission is to expand the narratives of art and design to create more diverse, equitable, and socially just societies. My passion is to share the diverse histories of art and design with wide-ranging, multilingual audiences. This is why I am so active on social media, share reflections in a monthly newsletter/audioblog, host a podcast, and participate in collaborative research and educational projects. I also work with museums, creatives, and brands to facilitate ethical creative processes founded on profound research.

My work has been published in scholarly journals, the popular media, and exhibition catalogs. I also lecture frequently and speak at conferences and symposia all around the world. I am currently curating exhibitions in Mexico, Colombia, and the United States.

I am a big proponent of decolonizing the arts, including art history, theory, and criticism. With my podcast, audioblog and book club, I aim to share the diverse histories of fashion with as many people as possible, and facilitate wide-ranging, expansive, and accessible conversations.

I offer research-driven services that help create more diverse, equitable, and socially just fashion practices. These include research support, research–creation consultancy, storytelling advisory, workshops, lectures, and conferences about design, arts, and fashion.

Do you want to work with me? Interview me? Talk casually with me over tea (or wine)?


Contact me
